Non-Clinical 101: Launch Your Non-Clinical Career
Discover the career path for YOU. Fun and helpful video lessons. Early access to non-clinical jobs. How to find and land your dream job. Resume templates and guidance. Lifetime access, and a LOT more!

You CAN get a fresh start…without starting over!


Your plan of care is straightforward:
1. Pick your ideal non-clinical career
2. Get out there and get hired!

But it’s not so easy if you’re burned out and exhausted, with no idea where to start.

Let’s back up a minute, because you have what it takes.

After all…

✅ You worked your butt off and got through school and rotations.

✅ You passed the boards and got those letters behind your name.

✅ You’ve proven you’re intelligent, hardworking, and love helping others.

✅ You’ve earned a coveted spot in a career promising growth, stability, and fulfillment.

You’re exactly where you thought you wanted to be…
but you’re miserable.

Sad woman

Let’s face it: patient care can be thankless, monotonous, and downright grueling.

So much for the flexible, dynamic, and fulfilling career you were promised. 🙄

We know exactly how you feel.

😫 You go through the motions and collect your paycheck, but the burnout is overwhelming…and you’re starting to feel bitter.

😬 You dream of trying something new, but each job has the same productivity pushes, low pay, and lack of growth.

😔 You bring your A game to work every day, but you’re dying for flexibility and remote options.

😓 You work through lunches and stay late to finish notes, but what you really want is a long, luxurious bathroom break where you take your mind off work for a hot minute.

😰 You treat every patient with respect and dignity—but then you’re treated like a billing machine.

💸 You invest time and energy in courses and certifications to provide better care, but all your managers seem to care about is productivity.

And so, day after day, you slap on a smile for your patients…but inside, you wonder what went wrong in the career that once seemed so promising.

triumphant professional

But you know that your skills and clinical insights are valuable.

You know that there’s a world beyond patient care, where you’re given the respect you deserve.

You KNOW that it’s time to ditch the burnout and find a non-clinical job you LOVE!

Before launching her own non-clinical career and creating The Non-Clinical PT to help others, Meredith was facing each work day with a sense of dread. Looking ahead, she saw years of bitterly dragging herself into work—resenting her managers, feeling numb toward her patients, and perseverating on all the time, money, and energy she’d sunk into a career that sucked her dry. She’d put on her game face each day, but the future felt bleak.

She realized she could not continue doing work that made her miserable. 

She finally stopped trying to make herself love something she never could, and she started to think about what else she could do—and then, her life changed forever…

woman showing we can do more than patient care

You CAN have a life where:

👊 You look forward to Mondays—because you’re inspired and challenged to use your skills in a fresh new way.

👊 You are motivated to work hard—because your efforts result in raises, promotions, and new opportunities.

👊 You bring your A game from the comfort of your home or after hours as needed—because your managers trust you’ll get your work done.

👊 You grab lunch and coffee breaks with coworkers, and you leave work on time…you even get to pee before your bladder is ready to burst!

👊 You’re celebrated for your creative solutions…and each day, you can see the impact you’re making on others’ lives.

👊 You love taking new classes, keeping up with research, and learning new skills—because you’re valued as an expert at your job.

And so, every day, you feel grateful that you took a chance on yourself, believed that you could repackage your existing skills and experience, and chose to invest in a career with growth and opportunity.

We know what you’re probably thinking…

It may seem like it won’t happen for you.

You know it’s possible, because you see others do it…but it feels like such an overwhelming process to make the switch.

When you’re burned out and exhausted after work each day, it’s hard to imagine starting from scratch.

That’s the best part, though…you don’t HAVE to start over to get a fresh start in your career!

Natalie, OT testimonial
Heather, SLP testimonial


Non-Clinical 101

A fresh start…without starting over!

woman cheering
Non-Clinical 101 on various screens

4 steps to a non-clinical career you LOVE!!!

For PTs, OTs, SLPs, and assistants

Non-Clinical 101 is the online career course that will help you discover the ideal non-clinical career path for you, tackle the job search with confidence, and finally transition into a job you love.

Go ahead and get a giant coffee mug, too—because your new career comes with bathroom breaks!!!

Non-Clinical 101 is all about leveraging your hard-earned skills…and using proven strategies to land a non-clinical job that’s perfect for YOU!

🙌 You CAN have the non-clinical career of your dreams. 🙌

Tosin, OT testimonial
Liz, OT testimonial
Joyce, PT testimonial
Nandita, PT testimonial

You might think this sounds too good to be true.
You see others landing non-clinical jobs and think they must have something you don’t.
(Psst…that’s not the case!)

Julie, OT testimonial
Jessica, PTA testimonial
Kate, SLP testimonial
Darla, SLP testimonial
Stephen, PT testimonial
Kelsey, PT testimonial

Hear from one of our students!

Here’s what you’ll get in Non-Clinical 101:

✅ Comprehensive online video education course that walks you through changing careers in 4 self-paced steps…so you can make it happen on your timeline ($500 value!)

✅ Strategic overview of 27 non-clinical career paths and how to get there…so you save months of researching and sidestep analysis paralysis ($1,000 value!)

✅ Customized life, career, and values assessments…so you feel confident picking the best possible career for YOU ($99 value!)

✅ Downloadable worksheets, templates, and reference materials…so you stay on track and engaged as you work toward your goals ($200 value!)

✅ Expansive selection (50+) of editable ATS-compliant non-clinical resume and cover letter templates spanning 27 career paths…so you save time repackaging your skills and experience ($500 value!)

Resume Surgery lesson on workshopping our templates to create a resume for any job…so you save $$$ on professional resume writers ($500 value!)

✅ Expert guidance on networking, finding jobs, interviewing, and negotiating…so you can not only land your dream job, but snag the best possible salary ($1,000 value!)

✅ Extensive list of companies hiring therapy professionals…so you know who wants you and what roles they are looking to fill ($500 value!)

Ace Your Phone Interview cheatsheet…so you can breeze through screening questions that stump most candidates ($99 value!)

✅ Early access to our weekly non-clinical jobs…so you hear about the best opportunities before anyone else ($200 value!)

✅ LIFETIME access to all our coursework and updates…so you can use it again and again as you progress through your career ($500 value!)

Nicole, PT testimonial
Jessica, PT testimonial
Brenda, OT testimonial
Juli, OT testimonial

OVER $5,000

ONLY $997 $697.90!

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But that’s not all! You’ll also get…

The Non-Clinical Career Paths Lookbook…so you have a quick (yet comprehensive) reference for all 27 career paths at your fingertips ($300 value!)

Leveraging Artificial Intelligence (AI) to Find and Land Your Dream Job bonus lesson…so you will outcompete your peers for the best jobs ($199 value!)

Consulting for Clinicians bonus lesson with industry experts…so you know how to set your rates, identify clients, and position yourself as an expert in your niche ($199 value!)

Non-Clinical Deep Dive video interviews with non-clinical rehab professionals…so you can peek behind the curtain of their fulfilling non-clinical careers ($400 value!)

LinkedIn Pro Tips cheatsheet…so you present yourself online as competent, driven, and immensely valuable to attract employers ($50 value!)

Non-Clinical 101 Alumni Groups on LinkedIn and Facebook…so you have a supportive community, no matter where you are in your career (PRICELESS!)

…and more!


ONLY $997 $697.90!

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Meredith Castin - Founder of The Non-Clinical PT, Inc.

Your Instructor

Meredith burned out just 3 years into her PT career.

But she felt stuck, so she slogged to work each day. She beat herself up for wasting her time and money on PT school, but she was sure the problem was her.

Surely, it wasn’t the emotional and physical demands, paperwork, productivity, or having to be “on” all the time…it was clearly her poor work ethic!

So, she stewed in shame and guilt, jumping jobs every year or so and trying new settings. Her breaking point came the day a “VIP patient” screamed in her face and threw a gait belt…at that moment, she decided it was time for a change. Swallowing her pride, she started looking into non-clinical options. It was overwhelming, and it took a lot of time and work to make it happen—but she was shocked to finally land a non-clinical role AND exceed her salary in the process!

Many people thought she was nuts to leave patient care—but once she tasted life beyond the clinic, Meredith KNEW it was the right decision for her.

Over time, others reached out for help doing the same thing. As she guided clinicians moving out of patient care, it dawned on her that the secret was in knowing what you DO have to offer, not what you think you lack.

So, Meredith and the team at The Non-Clinical PT created Non-Clinical 101 to help you unearth your unique strengths and skills to find growth and fulfillment in a non-clinical career you LOVE.

The Four Steps of Non-Clinical 101


In step 1, you’ll discover who you are and what you want. You’ll take a series of assessments and you’ll complete self-discovery activities to determine what’s truly driving you to seek change. You’ll learn what really matters to you and how your new career will fit into the life you want.

You’ll walk away:

✅ Knowing what you really want in your career and WHY it matters
✅ Confident in the core values and non-negotiables that will dictate what you do next
✅ Understanding key elements of your personality, as well as the innate strengths and skills you’ll match to specific non-clinical careers


In step 2, you’ll identify where you want to be. You’ll explore the 27 most common non-clinical career paths, including sub-focuses and growth tracks, pay range, common job titles, core skills you’ll need, ways to get experience at your current job, and additional coursework or training that will help you stand out when applying for roles. You’ll also learn how to interview effectively and present a picture of yourself that solves a hiring manager’s problem for each of these careers.

You’ll walk away:

✅ Confident in knowing which non-clinical career paths suit your life and career goals
✅ Aware of which non-clinical career paths pay the most, require travel, let you work remotely, offer the most growth, and more
✅ Armed with next steps to get where you want, including ways to build skills on the job and obtain affordable training that looks great on your resume


In step 3, you’ll strategize on how to get where you want to be. Now that you know what you want to do, you’ll explore what it looks like to brand yourself online, network strategically, and create compelling applications that stand out to hiring managers.

You’ll walk away:

✅ Prepared to make a branded, strategic LinkedIn profile that aligns with your goals
✅ Confident in creating ATS-friendly resumes that show results and prove you can do the job
✅ Skilled at writing cover letters, thank-you notes, and other professional communication


In step 4, you’ll take action and make it happen. You’ll discover how and where to find the best jobs, and how to apply for roles in a way that gets you noticed. You’ll learn interviewing skills and negotiation hacks that ensure you impress the hiring team and get the best possible compensation. So much of this process is showing you can solve a manager’s problem…and you’ll learn how to leverage your experience to show you can do it!

You’ll walk away:

✅ Prepared to identify the best jobs for the career you’ve chosen
✅ Positioned to confidently network with poise and intention
✅ Confident in your interviewing skills and ability to negotiate a rate that reflects your value

Emily, PT testimonial
Blake, SLP testimonial

GET STARTED FOR ONLY $997 $697.90!

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Reboot your career without starting over!
Take these steps to enroll:

Click the I’M READY button
Fill out a quick form with your information + submit your payment
Check your inbox for a confirmation email & link to access the course
Transform from burned-out clinician to non-clinical rockstar!

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You have questions…and we’ve got answers!

GET STARTED FOR ONLY $997 $697.90!

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Impossible productivity demands, low pay, and endless paperwork are not what you signed up for. It’s hard to help patients when you’re depleted and burned out.

It’s time to rethink your career, reframe your skills, and reignite the passion you once felt for your work!

woman happy at desk

It’s time YOU are the one making the exciting announcement about your new role!

GET STARTED FOR ONLY $997 $697.90!

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Success is in the air…

Lisa, PT testimonial
Erika, SLP testimonial
Mike, PT testimonial
Jill, PT testimonial
Jennifer, OT testimonial
Jessica, PT testimonial
Casey, PT testimonial
Ariana, PT testimonial

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Maryanne testimonial
Keshia testimonial
Jean, PT testimonial
Erin, OT testimonial
Megan, OT testimonial
Stephanie, PT testimonial
Jessica, SLP testimonial
Andrea, PT testimonial
Lavina, PT testimonial
Claire, PT testimonial
Matthew, PT testimonial
Amy, OT testimonial
Julie, SLP testimonial
Marshall, OT testimonial

GET STARTED FOR ONLY $997 $697.90!

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