start a home modifications business with greenlight mobility

Therapy professionals are ideal for the home modifications space. With our background and experience working with disabilities, we have a keen eye for which changes need to be made to make homes accessible.

But starting a home mods business can feel so daunting!

After all, there are so many unknowns:

  • Do I need an office?
  • How will I find clients?
  • What if I know nothing about construction?
  • Do I need special certifications?
  • How do I monetize this business?
  • Do I order DME in advance or buy it when there’s an immediate need?
  • If I order in advance, where do I store everything?

And, of course, the age-old question: will my business succeed?

This fear of the unknown keeps so many people from doing anything in the home modifications world. We hear from SO MANY therapists and assistants who get the CAPS (Certified Aging in Place Specialist) certification and never wind up using it.

FACT: Starting a business is MUCH easier when you work from a proven model

Until we found GreenLight Mobility, we had no idea there was a franchise company that could help you start a home modifications business. GreenLight Mobility serves a huge need in that it’s based off a highly successful business—and it helps other therapists create their own home mods businesses, removing most of the guesswork.

Side note: if you’re wondering how a franchise works, the simplest explanation is that you pay to operate a business with the same branding, business model, etc. as the parent company. Here’s a longer explanation!

What is GreenLight Mobility?

GreenLight Mobility is a franchise company started by a PT/OT couple with a successful home modifications business (Back Home Safely in New Jersey). The owners, Karen and Gregg Frank, created the franchise company specifically because they want to see more rehab professionals working in the home mods space—our expertise is so valuable and can help clients thrive at home vs. going to SNFs or ALFs!

Check out this 15-year anniversary video for Back Home Safely!

Who are Karen and Gregg Frank?

After 17+ years of working in traditional therapy settings, Karen (the PT) and Gregg (the OT) created a home modification business that utilizes their clinical knowledge.

Their team at Back Home Safely assesses homes for safety and accessibility needs, makes recommendations and have carpenters on staff who perform the modifications. By utilizing their unique healthcare professional knowledge, much value is added to their home safety and accessibility recommendations, which offer optimal solutions for their clients.

greenlight mobility

Since their endeavors have been so successful, they franchised their business model as GreenLight Mobility and are now looking for therapists who want to grow a safety and accessibility business in their own region of the country!

There is already a great demand for these services, and since our population is aging, there will only be a greater need for these services in the future. They already have a successful franchise running out of Charlotte, NC, and they are looking for similar franchisees in new locations!

Why a GreenLight Mobility franchise?


The National Institute for Aging estimates there are 16 million seniors who are currently reported to have at least one disability. These numbers are estimated to increase dramatically as the US population over 65 grows over the next two decades.

Disability, age related or otherwise, creates challenges to independent living. Simply getting around the home and performing activities of daily living can be challenging and seemingly impossible. These individuals and their families desire to live in their own homes despite their limitations and obstacles; they need your help!


Many people dream of being their own boss and all the benefits that come along with it. With a GreenLight Mobility Franchise, you will also enjoy helping others who often have nowhere else to turn.

With their extensive background in Occupational and Physical Therapy, as well as construction and mobility products, they will help you find the right answer for each and every customer regardless of how unique their challenges may be.

Low Overhead

We sell solutions. There are no expensive long-term retail leases to sign and you won’t carry extensive inventories of products. You can run the business from your home with a small warehouse for products. Total initial investment to start is a fraction of what many other business concepts require and yet the financial potential is virtually limitless.

Access to Industry Experience

GreenLight Mobility founders are a licensed Occupational and Physical Therapist with decades of experience. While working as traditional therapists, Karen and Gregg Frank found themselves frustrated with the lack of products, solutions and tools to help their clients successfully navigate life at home. Their OT and PT education, training and experience helped them understand exactly what their customers needed, but finding a company to implement their solutions didn’t exist.

Like so many successful entrepreneurs before them, they launched this business as a result of an unfulfilled need in the marketplace! And since they launched in 2007, the business continues to grow!

Ongoing Support

GreenLight Mobility provides business owners with the training and tools they need to succeed and the answers to even the most challenging questions. They are dedicated to two core principles: each owner’s success and providing exactly what customers need to live as independently as possible in their own homes.

Life Balance

A GreenLight Mobility franchise will require hard work and perseverance, as would any business, but the GreenLight Mobility business model offers flexibility to enjoy time with family and other personal interests.

Unlike many business opportunities that require you to be open around the clock, generally these services are performed during regular business hours. A rewarding business that allows you to enjoy the benefits of your hard work. That’s the vision!

Is a home modifications business franchise right for you?

  1. Do you have a passion to assist people in remaining in the home they love even though obstacles may now exist due to their functional impairments?
  2. Do you have an entrepreneurial spirit?
  3. Would you like to own a business where insurance doesn’t dictate reimbursement?
  4. Would you like to stop writing therapy notes? (That’s a tough one ;))
  5. Would you like to avoid having a cap on your yearly income?
  6. Now for the tricky one: Are you a bit handy? You wouldn’t be doing the installations or carpentry, but have to be comfortable managing a construction company.
  7. Would you like to grow an asset that you could one day sell?

If you answered yes to the questions above, you may be a great fit for a home modifications business.

Regions where the need is greatest

Not all regions of the United States are ideal for this type of home modifications business.

The best regions are ones with multilevel homes, dense suburban neighborhoods (not middle of the city nor rural), and middle to higher income levels.

Some specific areas that might be a good fit are:

  • PA (especially Pittsburgh, and Montgomery, Chester, and Bucks County)
  • AZ
  • CO
  • TX (Fort Worth, Houston, San Antonio, Dallas areas)
  • UT (Salt Lake City region)
  • SC
  • NC (Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill; not Charlotte)
  • DE
  • OH
  • MA
  • NE (Omaha)

How do I inquire further about starting a GreenLight Mobility franchise?

Thank you for your interest! If you’ve read through the information above, and want to inquire further about this unique opportunity, please fill out the form below.

Note: The Non-Clinical PT will receive a small referral bonus if you decide to move forward, but it will not increase the startup costs for you at all!