Discounts, CEUs, and Partner Platforms
We have negotiated discounts and relationships with some of our favorite players in the non-clinical space. We only recommend platforms we’ve used and enjoyed—or ones that others have repeatedly told us are high quality and good value.
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CEU Providers
Save 40% with our MedBridge Discount Code
MedBridge Education offers the largest selection of clinical and non-clinical CEU courses online! We consider this the best option for your value because there are SO many courses. You can learn a ton about non-clinical topics while earning CEUs. Save 40% and get unlimited clinical and non-clinical CEUs with our MedBridge discount code TNCPT. Be sure to enter the promo code at checkout to get the full discount on your MedBridge subscription.
Get a free bonus month on ContinuEd
Best price on unlimited con-ed! The ContinuEd sites (,, are our second pick because they are so affordable. They don’t have nearly the selection of courses as MedBridge, so we usually recommend MedBridge for those actively looking to transition out of direct patient care. However, ContinuEd sites are great for those on an extremely tight budget. Plus, you can get a free month when you subscribe by using code NCPTBONUS13 at checkout.
Get Started in Client Success or Tech Sales with Aspireship
Upskilling is the quickest way to bridge the gap between clinical care and non-clinical careers.
Aspireship is a reskilling and job placement platform that is designed to help professionals from all backgrounds and experience levels learn marketable skills AND find work in the client success and tech sales industries.
Fast Track Your Medical Sales Career!
Sales can feel intimidating! But confidence comes from talking the talk and knowing you’re prepared to walk the walk. It’s much easier to sell yourself in interviews when you’ve gone through formal sales training. We highly recommend upskilling and working with the sales mentors at Evolve Your Success.
Their Medical Sales Career Builder program has a 100% placement record with therapists and nurses! Mention that The Non-Clinical PT sent you to get $500 off!
Save 20% on Breaking into Health Writing Course
Learn real tactics to be successful in the health writing industry!
This is, hands down, the best introductory course we have found for aspiring health writers! Learn more about the course here, but be sure to enroll using this link or the button below so you can get 20% off!
General Upskilling
Gain Industry Knowledge With Coursera
Coursera has transformed how we learn. This platform enables you to take courses from big-name universities nationwide. They’re convenient and low-cost (or even FREE sometimes), and you pay to earn a certificate at the end. Coursera is well-known in the business world and worth making the investment if you see courses that appeal to you. It’s a low-risk way to gain valuable knowledge and skills that help you transition into specific non-clinical paths. We make specific course recommendations for each of the 25 non-clinical career paths in Non-Clinical 101, but you can also explore our Non-Clinical CEUs article to learn more.
We recommend using Coursera for a deep dive into individual careers from an academic/theoretical viewpoint.
Build Transferable Skills With Udemy
Udemy offers individual, low-cost courses on various types of non-clinical and tech skills. You might turn to Udemy to learn how to use Microsoft Office, project management tools, or a type of graphic design software. Again, we make specific recommendations for each type of career in Non-Clinical 101, but you can also explore our Non-Clinical CEUs article to learn more.
We recommend using Udemy for quick, one-off technical trainings and skills to help you transition into specific careers.