Clinical Informatics Specialist

Clinical Informatics Specialist – Stephanie Glick

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Today’s non-clinical spotlight focuses on Stephanie Glick, who went from physical therapist to clinical informatics specialist.

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What is your full name and title?

Stephanie Glick, PT, DPT
Clinical Informatics Specialist at SCL Health

clinical informatics specialist at SCL health

What year did you graduate from PT school, and where did you go?

2015 from University of Colorado Denver

What did you do when you first got out of school?

After taking a month to travel, I accepted a job with the University of Colorado Hospital. I had completed a four-month clinical rotation at this location prior to graduation.

In what setting did you work, and what types of patients did you treat?

I worked in outpatient, and saw a very diverse patient population (primarily seeing neuro patients). I would start off with an individual with multiple sclerosis, then proceed to someone with chronic back pain, then Parkinson’s disease, and then a post-op TKA patient, or even someone with a vestibular impairment.

Clinical Informatics Specialist quote by stephanie glick

What did you do next in your career?

About one year into my career, I felt like I was starting to burn out. I was constantly tired and emotionally drained, and I started developing less than optimal coping mechanisms, such as binge watching Netflix instead of working out.

I looked up articles about burning out, and decided on two action plans to help remedy the situation: teaching and learning.

  • First, I took a student on her final rotation; her energy revitalized me.
  • Following her rotation, I enrolled in the level 1 Herman and Wallace pelvic floor course to work with a new patient population.

When did you know you wanted to go non-clinical?

I kept on telling myself that things would get better, but episodically I would return to feeling burned out.

So, I dove into projects around our clinic—particularly identifying sources of inefficiency. These inefficiencies generally involved communication between the front desk and therapists, management and organization of clinic resources, and (most frequently) improving documentation on Epic, our electronic medical record (EMR).

I found that on days that I spent time doing these projects, I was more motivated and energized than when I was doing patient care.

Finally, after three years of working outpatient, I realized that I did not want to feel like this for the rest of my career. I craved challenge, greater job flexibility, and potential for job growth.

What was the turning point for you?

It was when I reached out and met with Lauren Kealy, a physical therapist who was now working in a non-clinical job, process improvement (PI).

I found that I was extremely interested in PI and that many of its philosophies were embodied in many of the projects I had taken on.

Despite introducing me to the world of PI, the most important piece of Lauren’s mentorship was giving me the well-needed push to start applying to non-clinical jobs.

I suffered from the misconception that I was not qualified for anything else other than physical therapy; Lauren gave me the courage to simply go for it.

Did you get any special certifications or have any training along the way to help you achieve this role?

Initially I looked into MBA programs because frankly, I did not think that I would be successful in finding a non-clinical position without one.

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However, I decided to postpone pursuing additional education. I thought it was somewhat absurd that despite having a doctorate, being a physical therapist meant that I was unqualified to work in anything other than PT. I wanted to try to find jobs before diving into a whole new degree.

I did, however, enroll in an online Lean Six Sigma Healthcare Greenbelt Training per recommendations of Lauren. Taking this course reaffirmed that I was on the right track, and was ready for a change.

Do you have any books, podcasts, or anything else you’d recommend?

I highly recommend the book Radical Candor by Kim Scott

How did you become interested in clinical informatics?

In combination of working full time and taking the Lean Six Sigma course, I started updating my resume and looking for jobs.

I decided that I wanted to stay in healthcare, and thus started looking on individual hospital job searches with the keywords ‘Process Improvement’ and ‘Quality Improvement’.

It was there that I saw a job opening for a “Clinical Informatics Specialist” position. I had never heard of clinical informatics, but decided to look further into the job description.

Upon further investigation, I discovered that it was a position that collaborated with all areas of the medical field, but ultimately with the end goal of optimizing use of the EMR to improve patient care. I knew that it would be an instant fit with my background, but also something that would challenge and push me.

Did you have to do anything special to your resume/cover letter to land your clinical informatics specialist role?

I tailored my non-clinical resume to demonstrate the following:

  • Knowledge and proficiency of the EMR
  • Proactiveness and initiative to manage projects
  • Communication and problem solving skills
  • Demonstration of experience with process improvement, specifically implementations of Lean (efficiency) within the clinical workspace

I also formally communicated my motivation for wanting to transition into a non-clinical role.

Learn more about our non-clinical career crash course in clinical informatics

How did you land this current role?

I landed this job by taking initiative within my own workplace and working above and beyond my job description as a physical therapist.

What is a day or week in the life like for you?

What we do in clinical informatics is dynamic and versatile. One week, our team is assisting end users with transitioning from a different EMR to Epic.

The next week, I may be working one-on-one with providers to personalize their EMRs by updating their order preference lists and developing note templates to improve documentation efficiency.

Lately, our team has become more involved with work-flow mapping and establishing how our EMR can optimally integrate with best clinical practice. I consider this to be my worlds of the medical record, clinical practice, and process improvement—all coming together as one.

Do you feel like your background as a PT has given you a specific set of skills for the role?

Because of my background, I tend to always have an ongoing project with Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (PM&R). Right now, I am working with their teams to create a new workflow to improve documentation efficiency in outpatient physical therapy.

What have been the challenges and rewards of this move?

It is humbling going from an environment where you are the person that people come to for help, to the person who needs to ask for help. There is a large learning curve in becoming an established clinical informaticist, and I am incredibly grateful to have a team that continues to support me through this transition.

Clinical informatics is represented in an acute/inpatient setting, and I come from a predominantly outpatient background. I have had to quickly learn about acute care policies, procedures, and daily operations.

I am continuously involved in new projects. There is a sense of accomplishment of being able to complete and achieve specific goals and results.

Also, I mentioned that I work closely with our PM&R departments. I get to help these teams streamline their workflow on the EMR to improve their efficiency and decrease their EMR burden.

Documentation and EMR burden is highly linked to burnout. I see it as a way to give back to my profession and still be intimately involved with the therapies.

I am in charge of my own management of time and resources. For someone who is highly motivated and likes challenges, this freedom is invigorating.

Do you still treat patients, or are you fully immersed in the informatics world?

I am still licensed as a physical therapist, and complete continuing education to stay up-to-date on current evidence—but I am not seeing patients at this time. Now that I have settled more into my new position, I have considered pursuing a PRN telehealth physical therapy position.

How are the hours compared to patient care?

Some weeks are longer and others are shorter, pending the demand and what projects are rolling out. We do have flexibility in our schedule to accommodate the demand, but ultimately we work hard and have a high level of respect for our team and for what we do—this drives our work ethic and integrity.

What type of career growth can a clinical informatics specialist expect?

Many clinical informaticists transition into clinical analyst, education and learning, or data analytics based positions, or management/leadership. There is so much to learn in this field; I expect that it could also allow for transition to many other health and technology-based positions.

What would you recommend to someone who is considering going into the same non clinical field?

Ask yourself and your team—where are your pain points, and identify areas that have room for improvement in your documentation workflow.

At larger organizations, consider reaching out to the clinical informatics department and consider being your team or department’s representative or liaison.

Generally, show initiative in your own work, and go above and beyond your daily job requirements.

Do you have any special words of wisdom for the readers?

I have so much advice!

  • If you are feeling burned out, talk to someone about it. You are not alone in these feelings.
  • If you are considering leaving clinical practice, I would highly advocate reaching out to others who have also done so; consider mentorship.

Believe in yourself. Being a physical therapist encompasses so much more than the knowledge behind the work that we do. In fact, I would argue that our communication skills, listening skills, marketing skills, etc. make us MORE effective than our clinical or manual skills.

  • These are the same skills that are transferable to almost any other job.
  • Utilize your current job as a platform to expand on other interests. Make it more than just your clinical practice. This can also help to curb the burnout by creating enthusiasm and purpose in your day-to-day routine.

Understand that you are not throwing away your education when you transition to a non-clinical role. You are just applying it in a different and novel way.

Lastly, physical therapy jobs continue to be in high demand. If you find that non-clinical life is not for you, there is always opportunity to return to the physical therapy profession.

Thanks for your insight, Stephanie!

Learn more about our non-clinical career crash course in clinical informatics

17 thoughts on “Clinical Informatics Specialist – Stephanie Glick”

  1. Sonya Sullivan PT

    Love this! These fantastic interviews help inspire me. I feel so much more energized when I get a chance to help with marketing or chart reviews. Keeping my fingers crossed that I find the perfect fit. Thank you!

  2. Does Stephanie directly work for Epic? Or another EMR system? Or does she work with a specific facility? Just a bit confused as to who you’d go through to land a similar role… thank you!

    1. Hi Anna! Stephanie works for a health facility, not an EMR company 🙂 You can find roles on job boards and hospital facilities. Hope this helps! Thanks for the comment 🙂

  3. Hi Meredith,
    Thank you again for providing this unique site with helpful resources for non-clinical therapy roles. I feel this site provides an invaluable service to therapists and is making a big leap in the advancement of our profession. I love reading the interviews of therapists who are branching out into other roles, but, I was disappointed to hear that Stephanie was burned out after just 1 year providing patient care.

    I’d like to ask Stephannine what was the main contributor towards being burned out so quickly? I’d also like to know if she has a strong computer knowledge background and does she feel this skill is needed to work as a Clinical Informatics Specialist ? Do you need computer and IT knowledge to modify/ improve EMR programs?

    My friend’s husband is in great demand as a Six Sigma consultant . he’s hired to improve efficiency to improve costs, reduce waste. I had never heard of such a speciality , and am even more surprised to hear of it’s application to healthcare . It’s so nice to hear of angels, like your ” Lauren ” who provided encouragement and unofficial genuine mentorship. Thank you for sharing and for the Lean Six Sigma Healthcare- Greenbelt Training resource.

    1. Hi Wendy!

      Thank you so much for the comment and kind words about the website 🙂 You truly made my day! I cannot answer for Stephanie as to her burnout, but I burned out after 3 years. I feel that the biggest contributors for my feelings were: focus on volume vs. quality, other providers voicing negativity and unhappiness (that was huge), lack of upward mobility and growth, and the emotional and physical demands. For me, not having much support in the physical department was tough. I felt like my (then 34-year-old) body would never make it another 30 years in the profession without a total overhaul and much more support.

      In any case, from what I understand, a basic knowledge of workflows and tech is very helpful in these CIS and analyst roles. However, if you have a clinical background, it does give you a huge leg up. You can always take courses to catch up on the tech side, but someone without the clinical background will never have the same insight as an actual therapist.

      Six Sigma is HUGE in healthcare. I definitely recommend taking that type of training if you’d like to stay in the hospital world 🙂 I will reach out to Stephanie to address your questions, too. Thanks again for writing, and have a lovely weekend!

      1. Hi Wendy,

        Thanks for the comments and insights! I will try to answer your questions to the best of my ability:

        As to my main INITIAL contributor towards burn out – I think it was a cluster of many things: 1) As a new grad, I worked whatever schedule I was given (for example: 4×10’s with a 8am-6:30pm shift plus Saturdays). I would wake up at 4:30pm, work out, get to work at 7am to chart review and finish notes from the previous day, and then usually stay till 7:30pm to finish notes. 2) I was initially PRN which meant a trade off between taking vacation and getting paid, 3) I was working as many hours as they could give me so that I could pay down my student loans as aggressively and quickly as possible, 4) My patient load was extremely complex – MS, PD, vestibular, trauma, and chronic pain, in addition to management of orthopedic conditions. My interactions matched the patient – high energy for the return to sport athlete or listening/empathetic for a patient with a neurodegenerative disorder. It was an energetic and emotional roller coaster throughout my day. I gave 100% to my patients which meant that I had very little to give to anything outside of my work including myself and my friends/family. I take ownership of the fact that much of my initial burnout had to do with my inability to dissociate from patient care. Further down the path in my physical therapy career, lack of job flexibility and job growth were huge contributing factors – not because of burn out – but because I wanted change.

        I was born and raised in the Bay Area so by default have been exposed to computers and electronics through my whole life. Furthermore, my dad is a research and development electrical/chemical engineer and my brother works in IT/Software design. Comparatively, I consider myself to have minimal computer knowledge. My saving grace is that I am a good problem solver and have the ability to pick up and learn new programs/skill-sets quickly. I maintain that critical thinking skills (a skill inherent to physical therapy) is strongly transferable to IT.

        I hope this provides you so further insight,
        Stephanie Glick

  4. Hi There,
    One more question for Stephanie. Which online course Greenbelt Lean Six Sigma Healthcare course did you take ? It looks like a few companies and Universities offer the course/ certification; SSGI, ASQ, Purdue University etc.. with rather large differences in cost.
    Thank you,

  5. Hi Stephanie my name is Patricia and I have been in the field for 20 years. I at this point have hurt my back several times .. initially after the 1st year post Grad school w peds population. I have worked in various fields peds adults geriatrics inpatient outpatient acute home health snf and worked several systems. At this point I can barely get out of bed some days and hoping and praying that my back won’t give out. You are a Godsend. I have been researching what to do and You have energized me !!! I’m ready to do anything it takes to get the education I need to land a job in this arena.I have a Master’s degree in Occupational Therapy w an emphasis on business building a well managed healthcare organization. If you would be so kind to be my mentor / resource I would be eternally grateful. I may be reached@ If you could be my resource I may save my back and mental health. So excited to get started on my new journey. Guessing I start w taking the Lean Six Sigma Greenbelt?

  6. HI Stephanie and Lauren, Thank you for this insightful interview. I am pursuing this type of career currently. I have been a PT for 20 years. I didn’t get burnt out but I was working mostly PRN work in multiple sites so that I would NOT get burnt out. That worked out great but then I had cancer and underwent radical surgery and was out of work for 4 months. Last year I got promoted and work full-time as an assistant manager for home care agency (non-clinical position working at desk with phones and computer). I’m also about 1/3 way through in getting my Master’s in Health Informatics which I started before my promotion. I think my going to school actually helped me acquire the promotion. I was already very computer savvy but now I’m learning lots of behind the scenes of EMR’s, coding and database design and formatting. Currently I’m in a non-clinical role but would like to keep my options open and advance further in my career. My question to Stephanie is are you using the user interface and helping to get workflows to be more efficient and / or are you setting up user interfaces and reports / managing data / analytics?

    1. Hi Jenny,
      It sounds like you come from a wealth of experience and that you have good opportunity in the health informatics world. As for your question, right now I primarily help with the user interface and collaborate with analysts (our builders) and clinicians to improve workflow efficiency. That being said, our job is expanding rapidly to include much more on the reports/data/analytics side of things. For my specific role and job description, we engage frequently with our analysts, but do not set up user profiles, roles, templates, etc. I foresee being extended opportunities to do some limited build options in the future (think flowsheets, system smartphrases, etc.), but I anticipate the majority of the back end coding and formatting will still belong to our analysts. Some, but not all of our analysts have clinical background while 100% of my current team has clinical background which makes us a unique crew. We truly are that crosswalk between clinicians and the EMR software.

  7. Hi Jenny and Stephanie
    Thank you so much for such an insightful and motivating interview. I have been looking for a non clinical position as I have been an OT for past 25 years primarily in pediatrics. I would love this role as I have worked as a Rehab manager . I would love to know what IT courses or education would you recommend for this role along with the Six sigma certification as that is not one of my strength. I will appreciate your help. I live in NJ and was wondering if I could find out on mentorship for this role.

  8. Hello Stephanie!

    I was reading through the comments and your background sounds very similar to mine as I was a new grad hired into the PRN float pool (so traveling to different facilities within my healthcare system), working long hours with complex patients. I worked PRN in the float pool for 3 years and transitioned out to a full-time OT position at an inpatient rehab clinic, where I have been working for the past 2 years. But I am feeling burned out and looking for something new within OT and nonclinical. After researching different career paths, I am highly interested in clinical informatics, seems like something I would enjoy and be good at. I am a definite problem solver. I am looking for some CEUs to get my feet wet and learn more about the profession. You said you new you were on the right track after you took the Lean Six Sigma course. Just wondering, what exactly about this course affirmed your decision making after taking it? Also, are there any other courses you recommend? I am wondering if I need some more courses under my belt to beef up my resume.

    Thank you!

  9. Hello Stephanie!

    You and I have similar backgrounds from what I have been reading. I am an occupational therapist and started as a new grad in the float pool working PRN for 3 years then transitioned to a full-time job in inpatient rehab where I have been for the past 2 years. I am, like many others, feeling burned out and ready for something new and nonclinical. You mentioned the Lean Six Sigma course reaffirmed you were on the right track. I was wondering what is was exactly about the course that gave you clarity in your decision making? Also, are there any other courses you would recommend taking? I am looking to take some more CEUs in this field to get my feet wet and lean more about the profession. I am also thinking this would look good to beef up my resume. Have you seen/heard of any other therapists getting into this field? It seems to be more dominated by nurses from what I researched and this makes me a bit nervous for future applications.

    Thank you!

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