clinical/rehab liaison jobs and careers article

Clinical/Rehab Liaison Careers for PT/OT/SLP Professionals

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One of the most popular non-clinical healthcare jobs for rehab professionals is rehab liaison. This position is one of the easiest to land for licensed rehab clinicians, and the pay is comparable to clinical work. So, liaison work is very appealing for those seeking a quick transition out of patient care.

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Read on to learn more about rehab liaison careers!

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What is a clinical or rehab liaison?

A rehab liaison (or clinical liaison) is responsible for finding potential patients for an acute rehabilitation facility (ARF)—which is also known as an acute rehab unit (ARU) or inpatient rehab facility (IRF)—and then screening those patients to see if they’re good matches.

Each rehab liaison position is unique, since each facility hiring liaisons has different needs. You might be the only liaison for a facility, or you might work alongside a diverse team comprising RNs, OTs, SLPs, and assistants.

Some alternate titles for this job include:

  • Clinical liaison
  • Admissions liaison
  • Intake liaison
  • Marketing liaison

Depending on one’s focus in this position, responsibilities can include marketing, running insurance, and/or case management.

That said much of the reason why rehab liaison positions typically seek candidates with PT, OT, or SLP backgrounds is that a big part of the role often involves determining whether patients are good candidates for acute inpatient rehab.

Here is a basic idea of what makes someone appropriate for acute inpatient rehab. 

  • Neuro diagnosis – TBI, MS exacerbation, CVA, etc.
  • Trauma diagnosis – MVA with multiple injuries, etc.
  • Marked functional decline – For example, someone was Min A with transfers and is now Max A.
  • Needs 24 hour medical care – Can this patient recover just as well in home health or outpatient rehab?
  • Will benefit from 3 hours of intensive therapy per day – If the patient can’t tolerate, or won’t benefit from it, they’re not appropriate.
  • Has active insurance that covers inpatient rehab – Sad, but true.

Some facilities apply Medicare criteria to all patients, while others require liaisons to know specific admission criteria for specific insurance carriers.

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If these patients are good matches, you’ll often run insurance, work with case managers, collaborate with the rehab team during rounds, and work with the rehab MD at your facility to follow that patient.

What does a successful rehab liaison look like?

Successful rehab liaisons are:

  • Outgoing – You”re going to initiate conversations with complete strangers and really sell your program to everyone, from physicians, to marketers, to patients and their families.
  • Goal-oriented – You’ll need to meet census quotas, and if too many beds in your facility are empty, it will likely be on you to explain why. That said, some facilities are more firm about their quotas than others.
  • Communicative – You’ll need to explain how you’re different from a nursing home to many different types of people with different educational levels. You will also have to break news to patients whose insurance won’t cover their stays, and you’ll need to work between facilities to ensure vital patient records (and the patients themselves!) are transferred in a timely manner.
  • Organized – You’ll be neck-deep in paperwork, and you’ll meet so many different people in your role, keeping their names straight will be an art form. Insurance plans are also frequently changing, so you’ll need to have a system to stay organized and understand how these changes will impact both your facility and your patients.
  • Compassionate – You’re going to be working with people who need acute inpatient rehab. They’ve just had some serious issues take place in their lives. Just like a treating clinician needs to be compassionate and respectful of his or her patients, a good rehab liaison is understanding, patient, and kind.
  • Experienced – You’re going to want to really understand what rehab prognoses look like in this role. If you’ve worked in acute inpatient rehab or acute care in the past, you’re an excellent fit for the role, while you might struggle a bit if you’ve only worked in outpatient or pediatrics. While new grads can certainly make good rehab liaisons, it might be a steep learning curve.
  • Connected – You’re going to be working with tons of physicians, case managers, assisted living facilities, and more. If you already have a relationship at a few large facilities in the area, you’ll be at a huge advantage in this role.
  • Detail-oriented. You’re going to be working with lots of insurance companies. Be aware that if you’re the type who constantly spells Aetna wrong on paperwork, you’ll make your department look bad.
clinical/rehab liaison crash course

What does a day in the life of a rehab liaison look like?

A slow day:

A slow day in the life of a rehab liaison can include any of the following:

  • Sitting in the intake office, screening candidates for appropriateness
  • Reviewing active referrals and screening the census at the hospital (if your ARF is located within a larger hospital)
  • Filling out intake paperwork
  • Following up with ongoing cases
  • Creating flyers and brochures for facility events
  • Decorating the rehab unit

A busy day:

You might spend the morning offsite, seeing patients at 2-3 facilities around town. You’ll fill out preliminary paperwork or worksheets, then present these cases to the rehab MD at your facility. If you’re on your own, you might even run the insurance for these patients and fax notes to/from the patients’ insurance case managers.

You’ll then return to the ARF and attend rounds, reporting on all the patients you brought into the facility. You may then fill out intake paperwork for patients that your rehab MD accepted and work with insurance case managers to get authorization for your patients’ stays at the facility.

Your day will wind down with you completing outstanding paperwork, ensuring a smooth transition for any admitting patients, and preparing an end-of-day report.

A “markety” day:

Depending on your facility’s needs, you might do either of the following:

  • Marketing analytics — you might sit in front of a spreadsheet, poring over how many of your referrals actually converted into patients in beds.
  • Active marketing — you might be attending mixers and facility openings, dropping off materials to physicians’ offices, or swinging by case managers’ offices around down to schmooze.

Examples of clinical liaisons:

We’ve spotlit quite a few rehab liaisons on TNCPT!

How much money does a rehab liaison make?

If you are curious about the average clinical liaison salary, you’re not alone. It’s important to know that these jobs can be salaried or hourly—and some roles include a bonus structure. That’s why average pay is tough to really pin down. You can expect anywhere from around $65k-95k per year, depending on the pay structure, whether you meet quotas and milestones, etc.

How to launch a clinical liaison career:

Becoming a rehab liaison is actually fairly simple if you’ve worked in inpatient rehab and/or acute care. It’s even simpler if you’re well-connected around town. Sometimes, RNs are preferred for these roles, but that’s pretty rare. In fact, OTs, PTs, and SLPs are often considered vital parts of liaison teams. Some companies will hire COTAs and PTAs, but others won’t.

1. Adapting your resume for a rehab liaison job

It’s all about making that non-clinical resume shine. Make sure to use the right keywords and highlight the right experiences in your resume.

Ensure that you play up your experiences with working on multi-disciplinary teams, especially if you’ve participated in rounds, acted as point/lead therapist, or cultivated unique relationships with case managers and/or physicians.

2. Adapting your cover letter for a rehab liaison job

A good cover letter should always show that you understand what the job is, what your role would be, and why you’d make a great fit, all while flattering the organization if possible. Make sure you really study the job description and understand the problem the hiring manager is looking to solve by hiring someone into this role.

3. Interviewing for the role of a clinical liaison

Rehab liaisons are expected to be persistent, friendly, informative, and detail-oriented. Be sure you present that persona in the interview.

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Additional education needed

None. If you’re a licensed PT, OT, SLP (sometimes) or RN, most acute inpatient rehab facilities (also known as ARFs or ARUs) will consider you for the role of a rehab liaison. In fact, some facilities will consider PTAs and OTAs for these roles, too!

Where can I find rehab liaison jobs?

You can sign up for our free email list here. We send out clinical/rehab liaison jobs quite frequently. Job search engines frequently yield results, as do companies’ websites.

21 thoughts on “Clinical/Rehab Liaison Careers for PT/OT/SLP Professionals”

  1. I have a question regarding licensure.
    These non-clinical jobs, do they still require that you keep up certification and licensure? I’m looking for a way to use my Bachelor’s degree (in OT) without having to also be current with credentials. I have been a stay at home mom and want to return to work in some fashion, however not in patient care, because of my own physical limitations.
    Advice, suggestions?
    Thank you for your time.

    1. Hey Annette! Every non-clinical role differs in its licensure requirements. A clinical liaison and/or utilization review role does require current and active licensure. Many management and care coordination roles are the same. Telehealth also requires active licensure in the state(s) where the patients you treat reside. However, recruiting or adaptive clothing design roles would not. Hope that helps!

  2. If you add Some jobs and credit courses for Physical therapy degree holder who does not have license in USA, it would be helpful for a lot of job seeking foreign educated and licensed Physical therapy degree holders.

  3. You have a typo in this article: “How you would patients for your facility, as well as understanding the types of settings you can admit them from”.
    Great information . Interesting perspectives on non clinical roles for therapists. Thank you .

    1. Hi, Leigh! This is such a great question. I don’t know of any offhand, but I think it will really depend on your department’s unique needs. Do you mostly deal with old-school physician referrals, where gift baskets make the most sense? Do you work with a team of young referring case managers who always have Facebook open? If so, you might want to focus on social media marketing/digital marketing. If you can identify your target audience and gaps in your existing marketing efforts (try starting with an audit of what you DO already do, and what is and isn’t working), you’ll get a better idea of what type of training you need. There are tons of affordable courses on Udemy on sales and marketing, but I strongly believe you should identify your end goal and then choose courses accordingly. I hope this helps! Reach out anytime! – Meredith

  4. Hi! Great info above!
    I work Prn as an OT at an acute hospital. The hospital I work at does not have an output or inpt rehab in it. However the hospital
    System has satellite outpt and inpt rehabs. I never work in them.

    I would like to keep that prn OT Job at the acute hospital.
    However, I have been eyeing a rehab liaison prn position with another company that only has inpt rehab and outpt services, no acute care hospitals.
    Is it possible to work both jobs? Or is that a conflict of interest?
    Thanks for any advice!!

    1. Hi Mary! Thanks for the nice words abt the article. It really depends on the company. I’d go ahead and apply for the job, then you can discuss your possible conflict of interest with the facility if you’re called in for an interview. I once worked with an OT who held a PRN position at a referring facility, and nobody had an issue with it. But, again, every facility is different, so you’re best off to be upfront with the hiring manager if you’re interviewed. Best of luck!

  5. How did PDPM affect this role? I am trying to Pitch this position to a facility but they don’t really see the need since PDPM came into effect.

    1. Hi Abby! Thanks for your comment. PDPM shouldn’t impact the need for a liaison to facilitate admissions into an inpatient rehab facility. Perhaps I’m missing something? Cheers and happy 2022!

  6. I am a pta and currently working as a director of therapy in a long term care facility. I have 3 years of management experience in the therapy field. First time I heard of this position as I was alerted on indeed I may be a fit for the role. I appreciate your site giving some information on what this job is. It sounds pretty similar to things I do now as a director. I amGoing to apply and hope that my management experience will help with the fact I am only a pta.

    Did you find the transition from clinical work to this to be similar or was there a lot of training you needed to have or classes you needed to take?

    1. Hello, Kyle! I found the transition to be pretty easy! Especially since you’ve been a director of therapy for awhile, you’ll be used to balancing admin tasks with more clinical ones. Some roles do require you to be a PT vs. PTA, but plenty will love to hire a PTA. Good luck and if you do want any classes to prepare, I recommend the ones here under “care coordination and case management,” as they do apply to rehab liaison positions, too! Good luck!

  7. Hi.
    I am a PTA who has transitioned to a clinical liaison role at an IRF acute rehab unit. I wanted to know if you could recommend any courses or webinars for learning more about the medical components. I have taken an online course to learn pharmacology. With being a PTA, there is a lot I need to learn. Especially when determining the RIC (rehab impairment code) for a PAS (pre-admission screen). Also, are there any certifications or organizations for clinical liaisons? Thank you. It has been a frustrating and stressful transition.

    1. Ashley Emery (TNCPT Client Success & Marketing Manager)

      Hi Deborah! Thank you for your comment, and we’re sad to hear it’s been a difficult transition for you. There are lots of clinical liaisons in our Facebook networking group. You might consider posting your question there! We hope some liaisons will chime in and point you in the right direction. Wishing you all the best!

  8. Hi.

    I am a PTA who is now a clinical liaison for an inpatient rehab facility. I want to keep my PTA license up to date. Are there any courses that are approved for CEUs for clinical liaisons? I was interested in taking the USDMR Admission Liaison Workshop/ Certification webinar. November 14 – 16, 2023. It is not approved for CEUs. I didn’t know if you knew of any courses that are approved for CEUs. Thank you.

    1. Ashley Emery (TNCPT Client Success & Marketing Manager)

      Hi Deborah! MedBridge has courses on care coordination and case management that you can check out HERE (scroll down to see the recommended courses!). From there, you can see if the courses are approved for CEUs in your state for your discipline. Hope that helps! 🙂

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